Waqt aur Sabr(Time and Patience)

sana imtiaz
2 min readMay 16, 2024


I’m passionate about planting and nurturing my home garden, with a special fondness for tomatoes. There’s something about the vibrant red hue and juicy flavour that captivates me every time. Despite living in a flat where sunlight is somewhat limited, I’ve embarked on the journey of growing these sun-loving beauties.

But this isn’t just about tomatoes; it’s a tale that delves deeper, revealing the profound lessons I’ve gleaned from nurturing these plants

I’ve planted tomato seeds numerous times, only to face disappointment as they failed to thrive. Sometimes, a fragile seedling would emerge, only to wither away soon after. I’d replant, hoping for a better outcome, but often, the fruit never arose, leaving me disheartened. I questioned my watering habits, and soil quality, and sought guidance from countless YouTube tutorials. Yet, despite my efforts,I eventually abandoned my attempts to grow tomatoes.

Then, one day, amidst neglect, a tiny miracle occurred. A lone plant sprouted from the soil, seemingly out of nowhere. Ignoring it at first, I was astonished to find it flourishing days later, adorned with lush greenery and promising seedlings. It was a tomato plant, defying the odds and thriving in its own time. As it matured, delicate yellow flowers appeared, eventually giving way to plump, ripe tomatoes. Witnessing this transformation, I marvelled at the beauty of perfect timing.

Life’s lessons often unfold unexpectedly, and my tomato plant was no exception. It taught me that growth cannot be rushed, that outcomes are beyond our control, and that sometimes, the most precious rewards come when we least expect them. Each tomato ripened at its own pace, a poignant reminder to embrace patience and trust in the natural order of things.

In the end, I realized that everything has its season, its moment to flourish. We must learn to wait, to nurture, and to trust that our efforts will bear fruit in due time. After all, the sweetest rewards are those that come when we least expect them, reminding us that life’s most beautiful moments unfold at their own perfect pace.

