The Plans We Make: A Reflection

sana imtiaz
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Ah, the plans we make… Like everyone else, I had my blueprint for life. Graduate, find a good job, apply for a master’s program, and then tick off one goal after another. But sometimes, life doesn’t follow our script.

It’s tough when you feel stuck, watching everyone around you accomplish their dreams. Your friends are landing great jobs, enrolling in the master’s program you wanted, getting married, and starting families. Meanwhile, here you are, feeling left behind.

I planned to get a good job right after graduation. It’s been a whole year, and I still haven’t found one. I wanted to attend a specific university, but since my job plans fell through, I didn’t apply. Later, I found out my friend got admitted there. It’s not just the disappointment of your plans falling through; it’s seeing others live the life you envisioned for yourself.

But I’m not sad because I firmly believe in the saying, “They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners The Quran 08:30. And Allah Knows, while you know not..” I had a plan I thought was good for me, but I trust that Allah has an even better plan for me.

Waiting can feel like a delay, but the irony is every moment, every second brings us closer to our desire our wish or something even better.

Recently, an experience shifted my perspective. A 10-month-old baby stayed at my place, crawling around and putting everything in her mouth. As adults, we know what’s safe for her and what’s not, guiding her away from harm. In that moment a realization occurred to me, Allah the greatest of all who knows the bigger picture of our lives. He knows what could harm us and what’s best for us, often protecting us by withholding certain things we desire.

We might grow impatient and anxious, thinking our prayers are unanswered, but often it’s a blessing in disguise. Delayed plans or receiving more than we asked for is all part of His grand design. We just need to have faith in His plan and His timing. In the end, it all works out beautifully, whether according to our plan or not. He always blesses us in the best way possible, making a way for us that turns out to be wonderful. This makes me marvel at how He hears and protects us in ways we may not understand but that always leave me amazed at His glory.

This experience helped calm my anxieties, reminding me that a better plan was unfolding for me, bringing me closer to something wonderful with every passing second. It will all be worth the wait because it’s crafted by the best of planners as I know not, but He knows best.

I hope that anyone reading this finds comfort in their patience and anxieties, and that you soon receive what you’ve been waiting for in the best way and at the perfect time.

