How you can earn as a CPA affiliate?

sana imtiaz
5 min readAug 27, 2022


Does the idea of making money online intrigue you? Do you keep wondering how people you meet are earning online? CPA Marketing is one of the easiest way to generate additional side income and turn it into a long term profitable business.

CPA marketing (cost-per-action marketing) is a sort of affiliate marketing that businesses of all sizes utilize to grow their marketing efforts and reach a larger audience.

The CPA marketing model is a sort of advertising in which a publisher (affiliate), a firm (advertiser), and a CPA network all work together (platform).When a customer purchases a product from an affiliate’s marketing efforts, the affiliate earns a commission depending on a particular action taken by traffic (web users).

There are methods for monetizing your traffic and converting your users into customers.You may monetize web traffic through CPA marketing in various ways, depending on the vertical(s) you operate in and the type(s) of traffic you have. CPA Marketing requires time, attention, planning, and effort to make money online.

However, here is a brief explanation of how CPA works:

  • You (as an affiliate marketer) will join a CPA affiliate network.
  • Advertisers’ CPA offers are found in that network (also known as vendors)
  • These offers will be either CPS or CPL (you can pick which to promote).
  • You establish a landing page (preferred), you direct traffic to it, and visitors click through to the original CPA offer page.
  • You will get paid every time someone does an action like purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or completing a short or long-form survey.

To locate these CPA offers, you must first join CPA affiliate networks. There are numerous firms to pick from, some CPA company that has outstanding payments and special offers. Here are a few networks to consider:

As you want to learn how to make money with CPA marketing, the six-step approach below will show you how to get started and earn money by advertising CPA offerings.

Remember, understanding what CPA affiliate marketing is and how to do it isn’t enough; you also need to put everything you’ve learned here into practice, run various tests, continually optimize things, promote new offers in different niches, and strive for better results all the time.

1. Apply to CPA Networks

To get started with CPA marketing, you must apply and join a CPA network. This procedure has grown more effortless, and you now have access to various CPA affiliate networks that are novice and beginner-friendly.

The networks want to guarantee that their offers are not spamming with low-quality traffic that will not convert, and their advertisers will not get criticized, sued, or embarrassed online.

You may need to generate landing pages for each CPA offer you want to run, so you don’t have a website but would promote their offers through landing pages. It would be beneficial if you could contact them using an email address from a custom domain name.

2. Search for top-performing CPA offers

One method is to ask your affiliate manager for the highest converting CPA offers in their network. As you sign up and join almost any reputable CPA affiliate network, you will be assigned an affiliate manager. They are well-versed in what is popular and what will perform well in specific sorts of traffic.

Another method for locating high-converting CPA offers is to categorize the offers inside the CPA network by EPC (earnings per click).

Another option to locate top CPA offers is to visit sites such as AffPlus, Digger, and OfferVault. Almost all of the offers are accessible from the most acceptable CPA affiliate networks online may be found on these sites.

3. Create a landing page

Most CPA networks will also need you to utilize a landing page. A landing page is a bridge page between the visitor and the ultimate offer. It allows you to more easily explain and showcase all the excellent qualities of the product, service, or offer you are marketing.

The entire purpose of this landing page is to convert as many people as possible, which you do by showing all of the excellent aspects of the offer and explaining to them step by step what to do.

4. Send traffic to your CPA landing page

Now that your landing pages are up and running, or if you’ve launched a blog with valuable material, it’s time to drive visitors to it. There are various ways to drive visitors to your blog, website, or landing pages. In general, there are two categories:

· Paid traffic is spending money to promote your website, landing pages, and CPA offers to thousands of individuals.

· Free traffic — you invest time in generating great content and optimizing your website for organic search traffic.

5. Track and Optimize

Tracking is the procedure through which you may track particular components of your CPA marketing campaign. It is especially crucial if you pay to use the highway.

You should constantly keep an eye on the traffic you’re paying for because it is the only way to optimize and profit from your marketing.

6. Network

Getting engaged with individuals attempting to accomplish the same thing as you is beneficial since it is much simpler to grow and learn together. It takes time to learn everything there is to know about CPA affiliate marketing and how to use it appropriately to generate money.

Quality traffic is essential for affiliate marketing success. The more individuals are interested in your product, the better the outcome. If you are a new affiliate marketer, $100k a month may seem like an impossible goal. However, people do earn that much.

The average salary for an affiliate marketing manager is Rs 54,202 per month in Pakistan.

In a survey for Affiliate Marketing Benchmark Report 2022, it was discovered that 3.78% of survey respondents earned more than $150,000 in annual affiliate income, 7.94% earned $100,000 to $150,000, 5.15% earned $50,000 to $100,000, 16.21% earned $10,000 to $50,000, and 57.55% earned less than $10,000. Although the majority certainly fall into the bottom group and are still Beginners, there are enough successful affiliate marketers to encourage those who have yet to make their mark.

Keep learning, keep hustling, and keep earning that side money!

