5 gardening tips for beginners

sana imtiaz
2 min readFeb 20, 2021


Soil, water and sun are that all you think is required for planting? Great but, I say you should think again cause there is more to it…

1. Examine your environment

Every plant does not cultivate everywhere. Each plant has its characteristics. Initially, you must review your land and climate conditions that are favourable for what kind of plants.

You can also seek help from the internet or a local nurseryman regarding the best-suited plants for your climate.

2. Soil

For an easy solution, you can go and buy soil from any local nursery if you are willing to pay or either you can dig your ground as well

Next, you would have to till your soil by hands (wear gloves to avoid bacteria, disease or scratches).

Analyze your soil pH levels. If you are a beginner, seek help from a gardener to know which plant would be best suited for such soil and what fertilizers would be needed to boost the soil nutrients.

3. Sunshine

While planting, choose a spot wisely. You must know your plant characterstics if it is sun-loving or needs shade to breathe in. Mostly some plants need 6hrs of direct sunlight.

4. Water

Be consistent with watering the plant but consistently does not means to drown the plant with water. Always know “less is more.”

In the early stages, you must water the soil early morning but remember not to over-water it could lead to a weak root system.

A quick tip to know when your plant needs to be watered shove your finger one knuckle deep in the soil you feel it dry this is time to water.

5. Love, care and time

Gardening is a gradual process. A plant needs all the love and care stay patient and see it flourish, bloom flowers diffuse its scent and vibrant shades around the garden. All you need to do is take care of all the factors and characteristics of a plant and, it is just that easy to have your beautiful garden.

